Why should we consume Omega-3?

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids.
Essential means that our bodies cannot produce them on their own, hence the need to get them from our food.
What are the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids?

First and foremost, I will share with you some of the benefits of the omega-3 fatty acids. From reducing inflammation to improving our mood, these are implicated in many reactions.

● Reduce inflammation: the food we eat, the chronic stress we experience but also
exercise all cause inflammation. By reducing / healing inflammation, omega-3s
decrease the risk of immunity drops. Don’t want to get sick this winter? Eat your
omega-3s !

● Improve mental health: It has been proved in many studies that omega-3s play a
strong role in mental health. These are beneficial in treating depression, anxiety,
ADHD and many other mental disorders. Next to this, it also improves memory.

● Improve heart health: Omega-3s are known to support a healthy heart rhythm,
which is pretty essential for all the sporty people among us.

● Better sleep: consuming omega-3s boosts sleep quality. Not only will you fall asleep more easily but your day performances might also benefit from a regular omega-3 consumption. This is all thanks to DHA (a type of omega-3) that helps produce melatonin aka the sleep regulator.

I could go on with the list of benefits. However, at this point, I do hope that you are
convinced it is essential to increase your omega-3s consumption. In the next part, I will give you hints on how to do so.
In which foods can you find omega-3 fatty acids?
This being said, let’s dig into where you can find Omega-3 fatty acids so that you can start working on your health as of today. Omega-3s can be found both in animal-based foods as well as in plant-based foods. On the one hand, we can find them in oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, herring, salmon but also eggs, especially the yolk.
On the other hand, nuts and seeds; chia seeds, flaxseeds, linseeds, hemp seeds as well as walnuts abound in omega-3s.
Seaweed and algae (spirulina, chlorella, nori) are also great sources. That’s good
news not only for the people following a vegetarian or a vegan diet but also for the ones among us that care about reducing our ecological footprint.

Add fish to your meals and dips. Sprinkle your salads, soups and yoghurts with nuts; seeds, make yourself a hearty miso soup with wakame and you should reach the recommended daily allowance quite easily. No time? There are some great pre-made alternatives to help you reach your omega-3 goals: our strawberry chia seeds energy balls contribute to close to 20% of the recommended omega-3 fatty acids intake ! So, no more excuses !
Article by Eléonore de Richecour, CERDEN certified nutritionist.